Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ingrown hairs on legs...?

Ok giso I recently shaved my legs. (I'm a male) and i've found a not so good result a day or two after. I've got ingrown hairs all up and down my legs and it itches like the dickens! Anybody know a good home remedy for ingrown hairs? Or a fairly cheap and effective product that will treat them with some degree of success? Please ve me any advice with this, it's spring and beautiful outside and I can't wear my khaki shorts! lolIngrown hairs on legs...?
exfoiliate the area with a loofah in the shower! it should help. you should exfoiliate BEFORE shaving too, I find it helps.
try that silver tape by laying it in the areas where you have a lot on ingrowing hail and pull it off this is the cheapest way I know of.
Get some tend skin that prevents ingrown hairs.

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