Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is it normal that your period does not came on date?why?

Is it normal that your period does not came on date?why?
Yes, your cycle is just not regular. Although if you are sexually active, you may be pregnant.
mine does not either its normal
Some women can set their watch by when their period begins, others are never regular to a specific day or time of day...also, women who spend a lot of time together will find their periods will eventually all be around the same time, which means that the date they occur on will change as their bodys get in synch with the bodies of the women they are associating closely with.
If you are young and haven't had your period for a real long time, chances are it may just not have become regular yet. Most women can predict within a day or two when they will get theirs, and when on birth control (esp the pill) can tend to predict it right on the day.
Periods tend to be on about a 28 day cycle so since months typically have more than 28 days, it won't tend to happen on the same date every month anyway...some women make that counting mistake and don't count 28 days (from when you start) but think of it occuring on the same day each month (the 3rd or the 17th, etc).
yeah its totally normal !! i was supposed to come on thursday and now its saturday trust me its nothing to worry about.

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