Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is it normal to have two periods for 2 months straight?

I've been having two periods in each month for two months. And each period is like two weeks apart. I don't know if this is normal. Should I go and see a doctor? What do you think is causing this? Please help..might I be pregnant.Is it normal to have two periods for 2 months straight?
No, it's not normal - but it's also not that unusual. For a couple of years, I got my period every 14 days. My doctor finally found a cervical polyp from a vaginal ultrasound. I had laparoscopic surgery to remove the polyp and a D&C and have been fine ever since. Tell your doctor and also monitor how heavy your periods are and how long they last. It's important to keep a record of this and share it with your doc so they can establish a pattern. My periods were accompanied by severe cramping and clotting, but were short in duration - 3 or 4 days. I wouldn't try to guess if you're pregnant or not - if you are concerned about it, take a urine pregnancy test.
Good luck!
how old are you?
your period is always out of wack the first year or so...

if your not a younger teen with a new period....
go see a gyn.
they can hel[ you and they probably deal with things like that all the time.!
did u take a test ? and are u stressed out? I know when i was stressed out i had a period in a month yu know in the middle of the month and then at the end of the month !

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