i have this lump that pusses and bleeds that is down there. its by the vagina and the leg. in the spot where your underwear will rub. it itches. there is no hair growing where the lump is. i do shave so i thought it could be an ingrown hair. i'm not sure. i have an appt. with the gyno in april but i'm just curious now. and if you know how to get rid of it too?Ingrown pubic hair or something else??
I had the same thing and ended up going to my gyno. He told me it was a boil. He gave me antibotics to get rid of it.
It kinda depends on the color of it. Alot of times if its an ingrown hair it could possibly be black. Literally! I had one and it hurt like a huge pimple. it did the same thing. i thought i was gross or something cause it was pussing and bleeding but it just turned out to be an ingrown hair. Nothing to do but id say dont shave around it til it goes away and make sure it stays clean
put a hot wet compress on it... that will make swelling come down a bit.. noesporin might help. keep it clean and dry. after compress....
yeah I had one too - eventually and with severe pain I was able to break it open and whew what a relief! The puss was gross and thick but the whole long hair came out with it along with a lot of blood. After the bruising healed I never had another problem with that spot and never any other ingrowns. Use peroxide or something similar after you have it lanced.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Ingrown pubic hair or something else??
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